Put your passions on display!

I love cats. Of course I do! I’ve called my home in Thailand, Happy Cat Villa, I make garbage art cat faces, and my whole recycled bag collection is made from cat food bags.

My passion is always on display, out front and centre, absolutely. I’m proud of it, and want to share it with everyone and anyone.

Why would I hide it? It would be like hiding myself behind something, like I’m afraid or ashamed.

Sure not everyone loves, or even likes, cats, but that’s okay. They have their own passions. Nothing is right or wrong here, just different.

I encourage everyone to celebrate their passion, no matter what it is. Of course there will be those that don’t feel the same way and that’s to be expected. Life would be so boring if we were all the same.

We also need to respect the passions of others. So many people love dogs, and that’s great. Some love baseball, others football. Some love BBQ and others a good stew or curry. I know people who love antique cars, vintage motorcycles, and some love electric trains, the toy ones. People paint, sew, knit, crochet and others love working with wood and other love working with clay.

There is always something to talk about, especially when you meet new people. Find their passion and there will never be a lull in the conversation. And you’ll learn about something new, or look at something you may have through was boring, in a different way. It’s all so interesting.

Everyone needs a creative outlet and our passions provide us the opportunity to explore ourselves, especially as we age. This helps us understand why we do what we do, make the decisions we make, and gives us insight into what we can do moving forward, to live our best lives, within our own constraints and circumstances.

I can’t imagine a life without passion. What would make us happy? Fulfilled? Enriched? Curious? Amazed?

Life is a wealth of passions, so put your’s on display and be proud!

It’s all good!

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